Saturday, June 20, 2009

Live in the moment. Stay present

For the last few days I have been in the process of getting my drivers license. Why? I have been driving for over 40 years. My birth month is March and my license expired on the last day of that month.

I studied the drivers handbook, took a written test and a driving test. It was long, tedious and hard. It took 6 days. If I was paying attention to my affairs and in the present this would not have happened to me.

What I get from this experience is another lesson, again Pay attention to my affairs and stay in the moment.

If you are presently looking for a way to generate more cash check this out.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Harriette Blye

Why I refuse to make cold calls and make the dreaded list.

I really got good at making cold calls. I was so good that I stopped buying leads and started calling from the phone book. I made more sales cold calling the phone book than the leads I paid my hard earned dollars for. My dollars were hard earned at that time.

I got to the point in my development that I enjoyed cold calling the phone book. I had a technique and it worked really good. There was one huge problem with this system and yes it was a system. It was not duplicatible. Almost everyone else hated to call folks, even those they know well. So yes I could get a few sales but I did not get growth and duplication. Cold calling leads that I purchased and phone book leads take skills that has to be taught and developed over a time period. If one does not have self confidence they will get demolished.

Cold calling is not for the beginner in marketing.

Calling your friends and family from your warm market is a challenge as well. It could be that you have chatted with them before about a business venture that did not go well or perhaps they know you so well they would not believe you under any conditions. Most of all with our warm market, those we know we do not want to sell, sell and sell. What a drag that is.

I now refuse to make cold calls because I don't have to anymore. The company I am with now has taught me how to be hunted and have folks looking for me. If you want to learn how to do this, you can click here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is Your Why Big Enough

By this I mean why are you looking for a business? Do you know your why in your bones and why is this important.

I am a early baby boomer starring retirement age in the face. Ronnie and I sold our business a General Motors car dealership and made some great money. We invested it and proceeded to live the good life for the rest of our life. Well, we thought so anyway. The stock market came alone and took a bite and recession took a chunk.

It was at that time that I decided to go into network marketing again. I did really well and developed a large group. I had weekly meetings and gave hundreds of presentations. I made thousands of cold calls. My group grew very large, and distributors dropped off as well. It is like the water bucket with a hole in the bottom. As hard as I worked I averaged $3,000 month. The commissions were only 5%. I knew this would not carry us into the retirement we dreamed of.

I was sure this company was not going to work for us but I knew that what I wanted would come alone and it did. I am now with a company that pays thousands in commissions, and money can be made very fast.

My why carries me when things don't go just right. Life happens to us all. I am so grateful that I found my business.

Again, >what is your why. It is not money, it has to be what money can do for you and your family in some way. It is never the money. Give this some thought because your WHY will carry you. This is huge.

Want to build your own money tree, click here.

Harriette Blye
Your Million Dollar Mentor

Storms of Life

I spent many years living in Florida and the weather there taught me great lessons about life.

I especially remember an early morning before dawn. I was awaken by thunder that rumbled and made my house shutter. The lightening was so sharp that it lit my bedroom like daylight.
Our dog Ralphy was scared of bad weather, he jumped in the bed with my husband and I. Now I am one of these people who sleep like a log with the rain and inclement weather. So why was I not in a dreamy restful sleep?

I realized that I had gone to bed worried and depressed. I woke up with that same sick feeling. My business that I was growing was not going well. The more I pondered and worried about my situation the louder the thunder and the sharper the lightening. The rain was so loud against the windows it sounded like hail. Maybe it was.

As time passed dawn came with a thick black cloud cover. Gradually…the thunder and lightening lessoned and the rain subsided. The cloud cover gradually throughout the day rolled over and the sun shone through.

As the morning progressed I thought about how frightening the storm was and how beautiful the day turned out. The air was clean, fresh and the grass and trees looked greener. The sky was that brilliant blue we all love and recognize. The storm gave us much needed water to drink. Then I remembered the ole saying…no water…no food. Though scary as the storm was much good came from it.

Suddenly, I felt so much better. I realized that in my life I go through bad and trying times that are dark and scary like that storm. When I go through those times I now ask myself what lessons can I learn from what I am now experiencing and what good can come of it.

I know without a doubt that If I remain focused on where I want to go and not concentrate on where I am any storm I am living through will also pass like the storms of nature. It is all the same thing? So, hold on.

Check out Harriette's money tree here.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Harriette Blye

Your Million Dollar Mentor

Why I choose my company.

I knew what I was looking for and these are the questions I had to have positive answers to.

  1. 1.Does it pay a residual or passive income? This is important to me because I did not want to trade time for money. You know, work 40 hours get a paycheck. Want more money have another party or work more hours. NO. Work one time for the money and get paid over and over. Residual income was absolutely a YES.

  2. Does the company offer a product that is scarce and in demand? I did not want to do business with any company that offered vitamins, juices, phones, insurance, weight loss, etc. Those companies are a dime a dozen. To much competition and to much work for the money.

  3. Do I have to make a list of my friends and family to share my new business with? NO…no…no to this. Do I have to make cold calls or have home parties, give presentations and invite my friends and family to hotel meetings, YUK!

  4. The management of the company has to have integrity and a spotless reputation with loads of experience.

  5. The compensation plan must be very generous. No more 5% of $100.00 sale for me. How many $5.00 commissions would I need to make to retire comfortably each month. I want hundreds and thousands of dollars commissions per sale. Why not?

  6. Is there a successful system in place to start me and to start those I introduce. If I had a nickel for all the systems I have started. I did learn for me and my team what works and what does not. So I am no pushover for a bad system. The system has to be simple and easy to implement as well.

  7. What about training? Do I have to do it all? Training has to be in place and it has to be solid, consistent and effective.

Don’t sell yourself short and settle for less. I didn’t.

I found all of these things and so much more. Click here to learn more.

Love, tolerance and peace,


You are worth a million bucks!