Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eat That Frog Training Kit

Monday, October 19, 2009

From zero to Google hero in 8 days! Great article!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stress Buster. Live In The Moment!

(6) Tips To Create A Great Domain Name!

When you want an online presence you need a website. You must purchase a website name from a registrar, this is your domain name. It is a unique address for a page or group of pages on the internet. Your home has an address, if you own a brick and mortar business it has an address and so does your online business or online presence. Your domain name consist of access protocol "http" and the name you have chosen as your online address.
So many names are no longer available and buying a new one can be a tedious process. It can be done and quite successfully as well. It will take a bit of time and effort to get an effective name that will stand out and can easily be remembered.

Take an in-depth look at your product line and this is where you will start. If you have a product that stop headache pain don’t choose a broad name such as “pain relief,” even though pain relief is what you are offering. There are many types of pain, be specific. Choose a name that has relevance to your product. Think about what people would type into search engines to find you?

Consider the length of your domain name. How long is to long? The key here is to choose a name that is catchy and memorable and can be used through out all of your advertising.

Most businesses use “.com” which stand for “commercial.” If you want to use a “.com" address that is in use by another person, you can contact them and ask to purchase the name or use “.net” instead if available. It stands for “network”. If you decide to use “.net” know that some people will type in “.com” as a habit. Is this good for your business?

This a workable process when choosing a domain name: Lets assume I want to sell a natural product that cures headaches.

1. Write down 20-30 slogans for your business. They come easy at first then get more difficult around the 20th. Keep going. The last ones are the best and probably not used yet. Some examples are: Headache relief fast and easy, natural headache relief, proven natural headache relief, drug free headache relief and simple headache relief. You get the point.
2. The next step is to check the name availability? As you begin to type in your names most will not be available. You will receive suggestions from the registrar that you can play off as well.
3. Out of 20 names you will find 2-4 that could be available. You could ask questions with your domain names? “ How to get fast headache relief? “ Or if you prefer,” fast headache relief.” Which one would a searcher type into the search engines?
4. After you know what names are available you can decide on one or continue to brainstorm. You can also ask for help from friends and family in brainstorming for your address.
5. Decide to use or not use numbers and alphabets, “4” could mean “for” or “u” to mean “you”. How do you want your online presence to be perceived? Some experts say using numbers result in your website ranking higher in the search engines.
6. Some say using dashes in long domain names are easier to recognize. Example is how-to-get-fast-headache-pain-relief instead of, howtogetfastheadachepainrelief.
Some expert’s say because of the dashes those web sites appear higher in search engines as well. They are more difficult to type into the browsers or address bar. If the address is available you could purchase both and point them to your website.

Brainstorming works and it is fun, fast and effective way to get a good domain name.

(2) more tips:

1. If you have not gotten your name in the form of an address do so now. If you have a common name such as “Robert Jones,” try this: “Robert Jones the teacher” or what ever your past or present occupation is. Names are moving out fast so hurry and get yours.
2. If you have plans to start a business in the future get your address now and reserve it.

You have the necessary information to obtain a great online address for you venture. Use these simple techniques to move forward.

Honor yourself!

Check Your Account. There Is A Deposit Of 84,600

Wouldn’t it be amazing if... today, you log online and open your bank account. You find a deposit of 84,600. What is the first thing you would do? How would you feel? How would you spend it?

Stop for a moment before reading on and visualize that scenario for yourself. Really get into it and feel it. What a thrill this is.
Read on for more information about how you can get this fortune.

First the advantages of this deposit out number the disadvantages.

1. You cannot save it.
2. You must spend the entire amount by the end of the day.
3. You can squander it.
4. You can give it away.
5. You can play with it.
6. You can use it to help others,
7. You can use it to buy any goal or dream you desire.
8. You can spend it anyway you please.
9. Only you know if you spent your fortune well.

There are many thoughtful questions to consider as well. This is really important and deserve your consideration. Here are some questions you must answer to insure your proper use of your 84,600.

1. How can I spend my 84,600 to do the most good?
2. Who can I share my talents with today?
3. What can I do to promote my business, personal and family goals today?
4. How can I not allow anyone to squander my fortune?
5. How can I spend my fortune to improve my business, health and skills?

We have all made big and small mistakes with our fortunes. We have learned many valuable lessons that we will not repeat. Most of us would be grateful for another opportunity to prove that we would indeed appreciate our fortune if given another chance.

There is so much good news here. You have 84,600 seconds deposited into your account every day. It is up to you to determine if you use it for selfish reasons or as an asset to help others.

At the end of the day you have used your entire fortune. Most times you are given another chance to make better decisions with your fortune. It is the most precious commodity you have.

Treat it with respect and honor and it will give your hearts desire. You can have anything you want except more than 84,600 seconds each day. Honor yourself

Honor yourself!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to write great articles fast.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My son, observe the postage stamp! Its usefulness depends upon its ability to stick to one thing until it gets there. Shaw, Henry Wheeler

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If you want to see how many links the search engines are picking up for your site.
link.http://www.yoururl Very informative.
I find myself fascinating.
- Dreyfus, Richard -
Do you need templates for your website. Go here, they are FREE.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Good news! Want to see the top sites you are competing against? Go here for this valuable info:
Like Google free keyword tool. This is love. They email 1,000,s of long and short tail keywords. Free.
Good day everyone!
Finish this sentence, I believe.....
I will start. I believe in the power of this moment.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Give this quote some thought.
If you're not big enough to lose, you're not big enough to win - Reuther, Walter -

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What do you feel about this quote?
'Every animal knows more than you do.'
- Proverb, Native American -

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good day everyone!
To lead people walk behind them.
- Lao-Tzu -

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life can be good after getting laid off.

You received a pink slip today. After your recover from shock you feel shame and embarrassment. You are in denial and disbelief. You feel abandoned and overwhelmed and do not want to share this vital information with love ones.

You rush to the safety of home and have more shameful feelings. You want to crawl in a hole and cover yourself. You finally share the news with your family and they are surprised and disappointed as well.
You and your family have decisions to make as fast as possible.

Some tips:

1. Overhaul your expenses. Cut back on everything with a hatchet.
2. Conserve your cash.
3. If you or a family member have a pre-existing medical condition do everything possible to keep cobra, your health insurance.
4. Apply for unemployment.
5. Exercise, this is a great stress buster
6. Take time to grieve your loss, it is real.
7. Work on your attitude.

If you have been in a major depression, snap out of it. It is time for a overhaul in your thinking. The shock and despair has worn off and you have come to terms with what has happened to you. Now is the time to have a serious talk with yourself first then your family.

Some of the questions you want to consider are:

1. How do I really feel about that job/career?
2. Is this a good time for me to rethink my options?
3. Is this a path I want to take for the duration of my working life?
4. Finally, what lessons are in this for me?

Entrepreneurs do not get laid off. They do not fire themselves. It could be time to consider being your boss and having a business of your own. You can make as much money as you choose. This is an abundant world and you can have your share. It is a decision away. Is it time for a career change?

Is it time to begin that search for a business that you can build into your empire? When you put together your game plan consider a business as part of your future.

Life can take unexpected turns. You could be distraught because of this experience. One day you could thank your former employer for letting you go. Like so many difficult experiences in life once you walk through them you realize that they were opportunities to move you along a different path.

It is all about your attitude and what you make out of this experience. This too shall pass.

Honor yourself.

Looking to make money online. Who isn't these days. See what I am doing.
Click here

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Recap on how to set goals. Part (4) day four

I was looking for an online home based business and I used goal setting successfully and found exactly what I was looking for. You may have a burning desire for something but not know how to go about getting it. Why not try goal setting as a starting point. I have given you my blue print that has worked successfully for me many times in the past.

These are some tips that I have covered that will keep you on target:

Be specific and know what you want. Don’t be vague and unsure. If you don’t know what you want how can you get it?

Do have a time line. If you want to go to college give yourself (4) years. Not having a definite time to graduate means you could get your degree in (10) years or never.

Brainstorm at the beginning of your goal setting process any obstacles or challenges that could emerge and sabotage your great plans. If your goals are long term do this frequently.

Goals must be written down to embed them into your subconscious. When goals are not written down on paper it is a dream and we all know what happens to dreams. We forget about them.

Have a plan of action. This is what, when and how in the accomplishment of your goal. The more detail the plan the better your chances are for success.

You absolutely must have a passion or compelling and burning desire to go after what you want. There will be obstacles that come up and your passion for your goal will keep you on target. Giving up will not be an option.

State your outcome in positive ways. Engage your feelings. Become emotionally attached to your goal.

Read and state your goal daily. The best time is first time in the morning and the last thing before going to bed. If I have a challenge I will ask my subconscious how to solve it just before going to sleep but before I affirm a good night sleep and I get an answer that I act on immediately. This is why people use the phrase "let me sleep on it."

Focus. What you focus on expands and become part of your reality.

Step into your goal. Visualize and become a part of it in the present as if it is already here. How does it feel to have what you want. How will you look, how will you dress, how will you act, where will you live, what will you drive. Who are your friends, how will your family react to the accomplishment of this goal. This is fun. Enjoy.

Make sure you control the outcome of your goal and not need any one else to change for you to achieve what you want. Be the one in control.

Treat yourself to a special gift when you reach your goal. Don't cheat yourself. Celebrate your successess. When I quit smoking for (3) months I purchased an emerald and diamond tennis braclet to celebrate. That was 18 years ago. I love that braclet, I feel good when I wear it. It reminds me that I am successful.

We gave the definition of a goal as the end in which effort is directed. Know that your goal will require effort and work. There is always a price to pay.

After all this is done the fun begins. After you attain your goal you feel powerful, in control of your life and your self esteem will jump 200%. In pursuit of your goal who have your become?

It is my sincere hope that you received something from this series that can speed up your learning curve on goal setting and make your life what you want. Keep it simple and go easy on yourself.

This 4 day series on goal setting is a reality. Goals were made to see this project as a certainty. I wrote (4) articles, (4) press releases and (4) videos. It is done.

Visit my website to check out my new business.

Honor yourself.

What to do to Achieve the goals I have set? Part (3) of four

I have set my goals so, how do I get what I want. I don’t know how to achieve my goals you say. Let me explain.

Many people are guilty of setting goals and nothing happens. To prove this point think about the New Year’s resolutions many people make and not keep or should I say not know how to keep.

In lesson two I set a goal to take an imaginary trip to Italy. Let us continue with this goal. Freely use one of your goals in its place as well. If you have not read part one and two of “Goal Setting” you will find them on my blog.

We wrote your goal to take this trip to Italy. All plans are made. The trip was a year out when planned. Let us assume it still is. The goal to take this trip to Italy is one you want to really achieve.

To anchor your trip in your mind you must get emotionally attached to it. To do this you can go online or to your favorite local bookstore or library and get books on Italy. You look at the details of your trip and you see that you are going to Rome, Venice and Florence.

You open the book to Rome and see giant pictures of the Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museums and you realize you will be there in a few months. You see pictures of the Sistine Chapel, and you are mesmerized. Your eyes do not want to move from this page. You see yourself walking down this long corridor in the Sistine Chapel looking up and barely breathing.

You finally flip the pages to land on Florence. You become immersed in the fascinating world of Michelangelo as you are guided through the Academia Gallery. You are excited by the highlight of this tour. Michelangelo's world-famous statue of David.

You have paused on these pages because you have placed yourself in your mind in the Academia Gallery this moment looking at this incredible piece of art. Michelangelo's world-famous statue of David. You wonder what more could this magnificent country have to offer. You smile and take a deep breath and move on, looking back for one last glance.

The last stop on your adventure is nicknamed queen of the Adriatic. The next group of pages highlight Venice and its roads of canals. One of the pictures from the book pull you in as you visualize yourself and your companion being rowed as musicians play the violin and softly sing a romantic Italian love song. You think what a way to live. You are feeling magnificent and peaceful yet so alive. Have I found love? Electric! You wonder why you didn’t travel sooner. It is most satisfying.

You scan pages about Sienna, the Italian Rivera and the Amalfi coast and promise yourself this will be apart of your next trip. You think I will be here in less than a year.

You are now emotionally attached to this trip. Pick up the book each day and scan the pages and visualize your trip to Italy.

Now that you have those pictures in your mind visualize yourself happily packing your clothes, driving to the airport and meeting with your small intimate tour group.

Stay focused. This is your absolute guarantee that you will take this trip. Nothing will stand in your way. The universe will open its arms and help you. Stay excited and teachable.

Look at your pictures daily and visualize your trip. As the months move forward you also work on your plan of action and do the projects as they come up.

Remember if you choose your destination and decide how you want to make this trip through life. Use goals as the catalyst to help you end up there.

Tune in for the conclusion in the series on goal setting. You may check my blog as well.

Until then. Honor yourself.

Jay, Harriette's partner loves explaining how Harriette make money online, click this link and see.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why have Goals and why are they important to you? Part (2) of four.

The question comes to mind why should I have goals? We have been told all one has to do to have a dream come true is to have a desire and work hard. You know this is not true! Why do you know? You have done it and it doesn’t work.

You may dream of traveling abroad but if you don’t set specific goals to get there you will never go.

Once you recognize what you desire you must get clear and focused. The best way to get clarity is to put your thoughts down with pen and paper or with your computer.

You have a goal to travel internationally. You would like to take a trip to a foreign country. You have chosen Italy. One decision made and on paper.

You now write down all of the obstacles that could prevent you from taking this trip and you decide that trip insurance could cover that.

When would you like to go to Italy? You decide July a year from now. Your time line is established and on paper.

You already know you must fly but how would you like to travel? Are you traveling alone, with a companion or group?

You decide a group is better because this is your first experience traveling abroad. You decide the best way to find a group is to go online. You do this and choose one out of many.

When you contact the tour company you get more information. You get group size, the dates the group is traveling, the group leader, the trip details and the cost.

You mark your calendar with the date to request the time off work and you go to your bank online and open a savings account with the nickname Italian Trek.

You have a birth certificate so you get the specifics on how get a passport and order one. In your trip details you are told about the weather, how much cash you will need and what to pack. You are excited about your trip. You believe this will really happen.

Let’s review what you have written and accomplished for your goal to travels.

*You have decided where you want to go.
*You have brainstormed your possible challenges
*You know that you want to go next July.
*You will fly and you will travel with a small intimate group with a leader.
*You have your trip details and now know where in Italy you will travel.
*You know how much your trip is going to cost
*You have marked your calendar for requesting your time off.
*You have opened your savings account.
*You have made plans to order your passport.

You have become clear and focused, your goals are written down on paper for you to review daily. You have a time limit and this is a challenge for you because you have not traveled outside your state.

You have your step by step plan of action in place to get you to your goal. Now, you execute.

As time passes you receive your passport, you make your last payment on your trip and purchase a camera. You begin packing. It is really happening for you. Do you see how this works?

This is how you are specific, have clarity and focus on a goal.

Look for day (3) of four in the goal setting series. I will cover how to anchor your goals to you so you will get exactly what you want. Check out the series on my blog. Until next time.

Honor yourself.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Click this link now and Jay will tell you how I make money online.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What are goals and how do I make them work for me? Part (1) of four

As a baby boomer one of my goals was to find an online home based business. I was very successful in finding what I was looking for and I decided to do a (4) part series on goals and their attainment. There is so much involved in productive goal setting and getting what you want from life. Over the next few days I will discuss what goals are, how to make them and how to achieve your goals when you know what you want.

One of my mentors said less than 5% of the population has goals. I initially found this hard to believe but quickly realized that this is the reason people don’t accomplish their heart desires.

I am starting with the definition of a goal. Exactly what are goals? According to Merriam Webster a goal is the end in which effort is directed. This definition makes total sense doesn’t it? It is because of the end result that you apply effort to make things happen for you.

Some people make goals and fail miserably at attaining them. This is because there is a process to setting goals and making them a reality. Wanting, dreaming and fanaticizing are not enough to make your goals a certainty. When you are not seeking goals your are not making progress in the direction toward something you want.

What must be done to make your dreams come true?

1. Goals must be specific with clarity. An example of a nonspecific and unclear goal is, I want to travel. To be specific and clear you need to know where you are going, when are you going, how are you traveling, Some other things to consider could be who are your traveling companions, what is the cost, how much time do you have for your trip. Be clear and specific.

2. Goals have to be written down. If they are not written down you are daydreaming and fantasizing. Most people never get this part done. It is a vital part of the equation. Getting what you want from your life.

3. You must establish a time line for the accomplishment of your goals. Be honest with yourself. Will it take 90 days, 6 months a year or more? Do you have short-term goals; these could be as short as a day. Do you have long-term goals? These could be as long as five to ten years out. Some people make life goals and review them annually. If you do not have a time line to get what you want your desire may never become a reality.

4. Goals must be challenging. People are often motivated by achievement so stretch yourself, grow, reward your accomplishment and be proud of yourself.

5. Finally, to obtain your goals you must have a bold plan of action.

Working toward a worthy goal can make your life have meaning, and expand your personal development by leaps and bounds faster than any other method. It is important to note that goal setting gives purpose to all life activity. Get going with long term and short term goals. Give your life a purpose.

Look for the rest of the series. Until tomorrow.

Honor yourself.

Love, tolerance and peace

If you are curious about how Harriette makes income online click here and her partners will share the story.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is Fear Of Failure Holding You Back?

This fear of failure and the fear of making a mistake are the biggest obstacles to success for adults. That fear had me in its grips for a while but no longer.
This fear of failure and the fear of making a mistake are the biggest obstacles to success for adults. Realize now that mistakes are the stepping stones to your growth and if you allow your mistakes to teach you there are many lessons in them. Mistakes are an absolute requirement for your advancement. No one escapes if they intend to grow at any level.
When you approach a task or decision there are a few choices you have.

1. You can say "I can't "I can't."
2. You can wonder what is the worse that can happen if I do this.
3. You can visualize your success with feeling, dive in and enjoy the ride with all the lessons you will learn along the way.

When you say "I can't" "I can't" you feel the fear in your solar plexus, your heart beats rapidly and you have an irresistible need to run to the bathroom. You know what I mean.
When you ponder the worse that can happen if I take this leap and you can deal with the worse you feel ok.
When you visualize the success you will have that is a direct result of your decision you feel fabulous and this feeling speaks volumes to the universe.
Bottom line is, do not allow the fear of failure to have you in its grips and control your life. Live a fearless and joyful life.
Honor yourself.
Love, tolerance and peace
Click here and Jay will explain how Harriette is getting wealthy with her online business.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Do You Want to Stop Worrying and Start Living and Feeling Alive?

Are you worrying about something right now? Are you? If you want to learn how to stop worrying please read on.

I write about what I know and what I have experienced. I do this because if I can turn my situation around, just about anyone can.

I am a recovering alcoholic, sober for 25 years. I had multiple problems to overcome to gain my sobriety. Worrying was one of those problems. My mother was a big worrier. She worried about everything and raised her children to be worriers, too. I worried so much that it crippled me mentally and emotionally. I manufactured things in my mind to worry about, problems that had nothing to do with my reality. I discovered that this triggered my drinking. I later learned that worrying is negative goal setting and by concentration on negative goals, I was bringing those bad events into my reality. Once I understood this, I really wanted to change.

I knew that I had to stop worrying, but I did not know how to start. Does this sound like you? Let me share with you how I did it. Do you ever worry about things that have happened to you in the past? When we think about a past event we are concerned how this will play out in our future. The past is dead. The only thing you can bring with you from the past are lessons, but only if you are willing and open to learn and change. If you stay stuck in the past, you miss your present life completely. You simply go through the motions of life, but you are not living. Let's decide right now that since we can't change the past you will not concentrate on it.

If you don't worry about the past, do you worry about the present? Probably not. If we have a problem in the present moment we are usually actively dealing with it. If you are concerned about your present, ask yourself a few questions. Am I hungry, am I warm, do I have shelter, and am I in pain? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, your first actions should be to pursue a course to improve your situation. You must take care of yourself first. If your answers are appropriate, then all is well with you and you are free to deal with any outside issues.

If we don't worry about the past and we are presently doing fine, then what do we worry about? The future. It is a time and space that is not promised to us. I found that the only way to stop worry about my future was to actively prepare for it in the present time and space. Spend your time working on the solution to the situation that could occur in your future. An example: You have lost your job and not made a mortgage payment in two months. Any cash you have goes toward food. You are worried that you and your family will end up on the street. What happens three months from now if you worry and do absolutely nothing about your situation? Yes, you and your family could end up on the street. Instead of worrying, spend your time working on a solution to your problem and this will not happen to you and your family. If you believe in god, there is a saying. GOD does not move parked cars. Get moving, believe, if blindly and magic will begin to happen.

To stop worrying, spend your time working on a solution to the problem and even more importantly, think about how wonderful the solution will be. When you think about the solution, by all means feel really good about it. Get your emotions involved in the solution? Take baby steps if you must. This is how you do that. The moment you catch yourself worrying-stop and concentrate on the solution you want to occur for you. Think, visualize, picture the best outcome in your mind and feel great about it. Hold that thought for as long as you can. Make it a picture show in your mind. You will enjoy your movie. After all you have a negative movie running when you worry.

We do not worry about the past or present; we only worry about the future. Only you can change your future. You cannot have two emotions going at the same time. Worry and fear or joy and peace. You can worry or you can think positively about the best solution and feel good about it. You decide.

Albert Einstein said: "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attraction."

This article may be passed on to anyone however, keep the contact information in place.

If you would like to see how Harriette makes her income click here.

Love, tolerance and peace,
Harriette Blye
You are worth a Million Bucks!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


What does affirm mean? It means to assert positively; to tell with confidence; to maintain as true; opposed to deny. I really love the meaning of this word. We really could stop this article at this point because the definition is so exact and so clear.

Affirmations are popular and powerful because they are simple, easy and they work. Affirmations reprogram your thought process, they change the way you think and feel. With affirmations you can replace negative beliefs that have been sabotaging you and no longer serve you with new beliefs that are positive and effective in making real changes in your life.

With affirmations you can turn failure into success, you can turn a sour and negative attitude into a great and joyful attitude. You can change bad health into vibrant good health. In other words affirmations can enable you to achieve the life you have always dreamed of having.

There are many ways to affirm. Affirmations can be verbal, mental or written but there is a certain format that make them work.

· The statements must be positive. When your subconscious connect with the statement “I don’t have money to pay my bills.” It picks up the “don’t have” and gives you more of what you “don’t have.” The goal here is to target subconscious negative beliefs and replace them with positive nurturing beliefs.
· They must be formatted in the present as if they already exist. You would not say, “I plan to have money to pay my bills.” Plan is a future event.
· You must include yourself. I am, I Jane or I in the first person.
· You must be consistent with repeating your affirmations

Keep your affirmations short, clear and so simple a child would understand them.

This is a simple, clear and positive example of an affirmation: If you weight 180 pounds and your goal is to weigh 155 pounds you would state this: “I Jane Doe am healthy and I weight 155 pounds.”

Don’t concern yourself about what diet you will use, what exercise program you will use. Those things will open up for you. You add the word “healthy” because you could get sick and loose the weight. This would not be good. State what you want and not what you do not want.

The example above happened to me. I found it so interesting that I suddenly began to walk more, I watched what I ate, not dieting, I love swimming so I did that as much as possible. Suddenly my clothes fit and people began to comment about my weight loss. It was easy and so much fun. Almost automatic. No stress. I was delighted.

If you want money to pay your bills you would state this: “I Jane Doe have more than enough money to pay all of my bills.”

When you affirm these statements over time you really begin to believe them as true and your subconscious has no choice but to make this happen for you. It also helps to add this statement at the end of your affirmation. “ I accept this or something better.” This shows you are not trying to control how you get what you intend to have.

An affirm statement goes like this: “ I have a wonderful job in sales that pay me $75,000 a year. I accept this or something better.”

When first using affirmations go easy on yourself. If you weight 300 pounds and want to lose 150 pounds affirm the weight lose in 25 pounds increments. If you earned 30,000 in your last sales job consider affirming $100,000 a year.

Affirming $1,000,000 could happen but only if your belief system is in place. Continually repeating affirmations with conviction will chip away at the strongest resistance. If you use affirmations correctly they can manifest real and positive change in your life.

When you affirm your statements you believe they are true. Your mind cannot hold two conflicting thoughts.
You can speak your affirmations out loud and in front of a mirror. Try saying, “I like myself” in front of a mirror and not smile. Look yourself straight in the eye and affirm your message with emotion. The more emotion you exhibit the faster they will appear for you.

You can sing your affirmations. Make a tune to hum and sing throughout your day. This is fun.
You may choose to write your affirmations. Write them (10-20) times. Write them down each morning when you first get up or in the evening before you go to sleep. This imprints them on your brain.
You can record your affirmations on your recorder or MP3 player. I use this approach.

No matter which way you choose to affirm I know for a fact they work. I have used affirmations for many years to change bad habits and to get from life exactly what I want. With affirmations you can live your life by design not by default. So get started and have fun. Start with something you really want and affirm it in the present tense as if you already have it.

No matter what you are dealing with or what problems you would like help with affirmations can make you feel better about yourself and your life. Affirmations work well with visualizations. Check that out.

Love, tolerance and peace

Harriette Blye

Harriette is a Wife, Mom, Successful Internet Marketer, Registered Respiratory Therapist, former General Motors Car Dealer, started and operated her own successful Staffing Agency and Advertising Weekly Newspaper, Writer, Pubic Speaker, Artist, Baby Boomer and she is doing it her way.

Click here to see how Harriette earns her money.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Live in the moment. Stay present

For the last few days I have been in the process of getting my drivers license. Why? I have been driving for over 40 years. My birth month is March and my license expired on the last day of that month.

I studied the drivers handbook, took a written test and a driving test. It was long, tedious and hard. It took 6 days. If I was paying attention to my affairs and in the present this would not have happened to me.

What I get from this experience is another lesson, again Pay attention to my affairs and stay in the moment.

If you are presently looking for a way to generate more cash check this out.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Harriette Blye

Why I refuse to make cold calls and make the dreaded list.

I really got good at making cold calls. I was so good that I stopped buying leads and started calling from the phone book. I made more sales cold calling the phone book than the leads I paid my hard earned dollars for. My dollars were hard earned at that time.

I got to the point in my development that I enjoyed cold calling the phone book. I had a technique and it worked really good. There was one huge problem with this system and yes it was a system. It was not duplicatible. Almost everyone else hated to call folks, even those they know well. So yes I could get a few sales but I did not get growth and duplication. Cold calling leads that I purchased and phone book leads take skills that has to be taught and developed over a time period. If one does not have self confidence they will get demolished.

Cold calling is not for the beginner in marketing.

Calling your friends and family from your warm market is a challenge as well. It could be that you have chatted with them before about a business venture that did not go well or perhaps they know you so well they would not believe you under any conditions. Most of all with our warm market, those we know we do not want to sell, sell and sell. What a drag that is.

I now refuse to make cold calls because I don't have to anymore. The company I am with now has taught me how to be hunted and have folks looking for me. If you want to learn how to do this, you can click here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is Your Why Big Enough

By this I mean why are you looking for a business? Do you know your why in your bones and why is this important.

I am a early baby boomer starring retirement age in the face. Ronnie and I sold our business a General Motors car dealership and made some great money. We invested it and proceeded to live the good life for the rest of our life. Well, we thought so anyway. The stock market came alone and took a bite and recession took a chunk.

It was at that time that I decided to go into network marketing again. I did really well and developed a large group. I had weekly meetings and gave hundreds of presentations. I made thousands of cold calls. My group grew very large, and distributors dropped off as well. It is like the water bucket with a hole in the bottom. As hard as I worked I averaged $3,000 month. The commissions were only 5%. I knew this would not carry us into the retirement we dreamed of.

I was sure this company was not going to work for us but I knew that what I wanted would come alone and it did. I am now with a company that pays thousands in commissions, and money can be made very fast.

My why carries me when things don't go just right. Life happens to us all. I am so grateful that I found my business.

Again, >what is your why. It is not money, it has to be what money can do for you and your family in some way. It is never the money. Give this some thought because your WHY will carry you. This is huge.

Want to build your own money tree, click here.

Harriette Blye
Your Million Dollar Mentor

Storms of Life

I spent many years living in Florida and the weather there taught me great lessons about life.

I especially remember an early morning before dawn. I was awaken by thunder that rumbled and made my house shutter. The lightening was so sharp that it lit my bedroom like daylight.
Our dog Ralphy was scared of bad weather, he jumped in the bed with my husband and I. Now I am one of these people who sleep like a log with the rain and inclement weather. So why was I not in a dreamy restful sleep?

I realized that I had gone to bed worried and depressed. I woke up with that same sick feeling. My business that I was growing was not going well. The more I pondered and worried about my situation the louder the thunder and the sharper the lightening. The rain was so loud against the windows it sounded like hail. Maybe it was.

As time passed dawn came with a thick black cloud cover. Gradually…the thunder and lightening lessoned and the rain subsided. The cloud cover gradually throughout the day rolled over and the sun shone through.

As the morning progressed I thought about how frightening the storm was and how beautiful the day turned out. The air was clean, fresh and the grass and trees looked greener. The sky was that brilliant blue we all love and recognize. The storm gave us much needed water to drink. Then I remembered the ole saying…no water…no food. Though scary as the storm was much good came from it.

Suddenly, I felt so much better. I realized that in my life I go through bad and trying times that are dark and scary like that storm. When I go through those times I now ask myself what lessons can I learn from what I am now experiencing and what good can come of it.

I know without a doubt that If I remain focused on where I want to go and not concentrate on where I am any storm I am living through will also pass like the storms of nature. It is all the same thing? So, hold on.

Check out Harriette's money tree here.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Harriette Blye

Your Million Dollar Mentor

Why I choose my company.

I knew what I was looking for and these are the questions I had to have positive answers to.

  1. 1.Does it pay a residual or passive income? This is important to me because I did not want to trade time for money. You know, work 40 hours get a paycheck. Want more money have another party or work more hours. NO. Work one time for the money and get paid over and over. Residual income was absolutely a YES.

  2. Does the company offer a product that is scarce and in demand? I did not want to do business with any company that offered vitamins, juices, phones, insurance, weight loss, etc. Those companies are a dime a dozen. To much competition and to much work for the money.

  3. Do I have to make a list of my friends and family to share my new business with? NO…no…no to this. Do I have to make cold calls or have home parties, give presentations and invite my friends and family to hotel meetings, YUK!

  4. The management of the company has to have integrity and a spotless reputation with loads of experience.

  5. The compensation plan must be very generous. No more 5% of $100.00 sale for me. How many $5.00 commissions would I need to make to retire comfortably each month. I want hundreds and thousands of dollars commissions per sale. Why not?

  6. Is there a successful system in place to start me and to start those I introduce. If I had a nickel for all the systems I have started. I did learn for me and my team what works and what does not. So I am no pushover for a bad system. The system has to be simple and easy to implement as well.

  7. What about training? Do I have to do it all? Training has to be in place and it has to be solid, consistent and effective.

Don’t sell yourself short and settle for less. I didn’t.

I found all of these things and so much more. Click here to learn more.

Love, tolerance and peace,


You are worth a million bucks!